Program Eligibility

We focus on helping working families experiencing homelessness get on the path to self-sufficiency. Our goal is to serve applicants who:
- Are a family unit (at least one adult age 18 or older with at least one dependent).
- Are considered homeless by HUD definition.
- Have a total household income that is less than 80% of AMI (verified by any income received).
- All adults age 18 and older must be employed, working 30 hours or more per week.
- Have been a Mecklenburg County resident for at least 30 days.
- Are free from active substance abuse for at least three months outside of any residential treatment programs.
- Demonstrate motivation to make changes in their lives and are open to partnering closely with a social worker to do so.
- Are willing to provide proof of income earned and money saved while in the program.
- Have no sex offense convictions, felonies within the last three years and/or with pending charges. A criminal background check is run on all adults in household at time of assessment. Decisions regarding criminal backgrounds are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
If you would like to apply for our program services, please begin here
A completed referral packet includes the following items:
- Completed referral form with signatures from applicant and referring social worker
- Completed budget that reflects realistic picture of applicant’s income and expenses
- Copies of IDs for all adults age 18 and older, and social security cards and birth certificates for all family members
- Proof of employment and income (last thirty days of pay stubs, child support statement)
- Proof of savings (bank statement)
- Proof of full-time student status (if applicable)
For more information about referrals, please contact
704.335.5488 or
Upon receipt of completed referral packet, the applicant will be contacted to complete an in-person assessment.